God’s Calling
Beloved of God,
Your Thought for Today from Ann: "Win The Race' It is easy to leave unpleasant tasks for later. But God wants His people to finish the race that He sets before them to run (see 2 Timothy 4:7). Don't be afraid to do what seems to be hard. God will anoint you to do whatever He tells you to do. Paul spoke of this race for the sake of the Gospel in 1 Corinthians 9:23-26: "So run {your race} that you may lay hold {of the prize} and make it yours." He said to run with definite aim, and to discipline yourself to finish the race. Grace will make winning easier than you imagined."
-------Joyce Meyer.
A biopsy of my sister’s lymph nodes indicates that cancer cells are present there, as well. She had the bone and body scan Friday August 30. We do not have those results, as of yet. Prior to the anniversary of our mom’s death August 25, my sister heard the following from God. I asked her to write it down in her own words rather than have you read my paraphrase “second hand.”
I am being called to go behind enemy lines in the world of despair, disease, and darkness. I am being sent in to rescue those who are on the brink of despair and pull them back up into the light of God’s love, a place where God’s love overwhelms with peace and purpose and beauty, to a place where they can rest and heal and be restored. God has been preparing me for this my entire life. God graciously granted me a wonderful time of rest and peace and waiting these last few years. But now it’s time to put on the full armor of God and march confidently into battle knowing that God has equipped me with the exact skills and experience I need to accomplish His purposes. As David strode confidently on the battlefield of the Philistines to face Goliath so I stride onto the battlefield of life to face disease and despair. I run confidently into battle because I am not alone. God’s army of saints and angels run beside me. The prayers of the saints prepare the way for great victory for the Kingdom of God on earth.
God has laid out brightly colored clothes of rejoicing for me to wear. He has prepared my armor as well. He has placed the belt of truth around my waist. He has prepared for me a special breastplate of great beauty. It was forged in the heart of God and tenderly shaped to fit me perfectly. He has covered me with HIS righteousness. He is making me a new person, better and stronger. I am being transformed. I am God’s temple.
(1 Corinthians 3:16) “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple.” (My Protector)
Mom’s favorite Psalm – Psalm 27
My feet are ready to go where they have never gone before because I go with my hand in God’s. He will keep my head above the water. He will teach me to climb to high places and deliver me safely home at the end of the journey. I will not be afraid, for God goes with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. He will guide and protect me. He is my shield. My head is covered with the salvation of God. My thoughts are His. I will not be afraid for God is my Savior. The word of God is a powerful sword that will cut through lies and fears for God’s perfect love casts out all fear.
My husband, David Somerville, offered the following prayer for my sister during our Daily Office (A daily Episcopal form of devotional reading, liturgical worship and Bible study) August 26, 2013:
Almighty and eternal God, as we thank you for Gwynn's faith borne of her adversity, so draw our hearts to you, so guide our minds, so fill our imaginations, so control our wills, that in the manner of our beloved sister's faith, we may after her inspiration, find new dedication to Your will; and then use us, as you are using Gwynn in her newly discovered calling, for service to Your glory and the welfare of all Your people, especially those afflicted with cancer. And in this thanksgiving for your servant's witness and willingness to define herself as more Your servant, and less as one who is afflicted, O God, grant to her the charisms of strength out of weakness where true compassion for sufferers is born: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to Your servant, our beloved sister, the help of Your power, that all threats to both her wellness and ours may be banished from us, enabling us to join with her in the great journey into health in Your name, with all anxiety transformed into in to thanksgiving; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Go to the following site and be blessed by this beautiful song by Casting Crowns:
Gwynn received the following card from a friend and wrote the following response based on the picture:
God is teaching me to walk on the water with Him. I loved the little girl splashing in the water on the card I received. She is well dressed for the occasion in her bright red boots and yellow rain slicker. She’s enjoying herself splashing in the water. God is calling me out on a new journey. He has uniquely prepared me for this journey. He’s even laid out my clothes for me. We may get a little wet, but He’s going to show me how to walk on the water. And dare I say I feel a little sense of excitement! God is good!!
Written by
Sherry Fraser Somerville